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Category: Magento
Magento > Display average product rating with Mage?

Hi Guys,

I'm pretty new to magento and l'm working on a theme. I've been able to figure out how to do most of the things that l need but one minor thing that l can't seem to figure out is how to show the average rating of a product on the products page. I'm even willing to paypal $5 bucks to the first person that gives me a working solution!

For example l'd like to say:
This product has received an average rating of X out of 5 stars from our customers.

The problem is can't figure out how to do this.

I've been able to pull the # of reviews by using:

$reviewData = Mage::getModel('review/review/summary');
echo 'number of reviews: ' . $reviewData->getTotalReviews($_product->getId());

And l'd like to invoke Mage to do the same thing to calculate the average user rating 0 - 5 (stars), can anyone with experience help me out with this? I've posted (3 times) on the magento forums and haven't had anyone even bother to look. Anyone's help here would *really* help me out!

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